Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Blog Challenge #9: Relationship

We were created for relationship. This is something that truly hit home for me when I moved away from home. I was desperate to feel comfort, familiarity, and assurance that I was not alone and that I was going to make it. I needed encouragement and kindness. I needed to be accepted and intentionally sought out and cared for.
Intentionality is another reality that became so important to me when I moved away from what was normal, comfortable, and known. Intentional relationship is so incredibly important to have and to give.
In occupational therapy, we use a therapeutic relationship to make our clients feel comfort, familiarity, and acceptance. If I do not take the time to not only speak intentionally, but also to listen intentionally, then I am doing a disservice to my client. This is a skill not only meant for work, but for every interaction and relationship in our life. How we empathize, how we listen, speak, relate, and matters greatly. It requires thought, effort, reflection, planning, and intention.

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