Thursday, May 11, 2017

Blog Challenge #10: Thoughts of a Day Dreamer Who's Feeling Like Becoming a Dream Chaser...maybe?

I really have been thinking a lot about what I want to do as an occupational therapist, and in my life in general. I am a day dreamer, reflective, and I really want to create a beautiful life, not only for myself, but to share with others. I really think I would love to do OT in the school system. I would love to work with children with special needs, learning disabilities, and with any one who needs some encouragement or guidance. I was thinking the other day, about the special education and inclusion program at my high-school. I think they have a wonderful program, and the kids that are a part of it mean so much to me and my husband. However, their classrooms are located at the very end of our old building campus, somewhat tucked away from everything else; their own hallway behind double doors. My husband and I talked about that, and I wondered if there was anything that could be done to make them a little more visible, even if it was only located so that other kids could walk through their hallway, that they could have common space, creating more opportunities for interaction in the day to day school life. To lessen the division of their area, from the rest of the school. My husband thought maybe there were laws or policies that regulated how their classrooms had to be placed. When I went to the Internet, I found this Ted Talk, and I thought it was really interesting. The speaker felt concerned that "special" had become to mean "separate".  Are we doing enough to make children with special needs and their families feel a part of the whole community, or do we put them in a "special" corner, with "special" events and opportunities. It reminded me of the lecture in class about universal design. It differs from handicapped accessibility in that universal design is designed not only for those with a disability, but to be used by everyone. It's given me a lot to think about. 

Going along with these ideas, I have heard of a coffee shop in North Carolina, Bitty & Beau's Coffee, and its design and mission has truly impacted me. I love the idea of creating a place that can be a work space for those with disabilities, and for those without. You can see how special this coffee house is, because of the community atmosphere and opportunity for everyone to experience the gifts each person has to offer. 

I've had a crazy idea, and it has stuck with me for a few months. I would love to create a space like Bitty & Beau's. I would love to help be an "includer", to bring people together and facilitate opportunities for relationship, learning, growth, inspiration, and encouragement. I have a desire to give back to my community back home, in Lexington, TN. It has always been a place that has supported me and shown me love and kindness. However, through the loss of my sister, my family and I have experienced overwhelming love and care, and I want, even more, to give back in someway. To say thank you. 
My town is wonderful, but I feel it could use more resources and opportunities. I feel like there is room for change, for art, language, creative space, and cultural exposure. I would love to bring home some of the things that I have seen and experienced away from home, and let others experience it, especially those who do not have the opportunity to go and experience it themselves. Is it possible that I could create such a space? Do such a thing? Could I somehow find a way to work with kids at school, and maybe even have them work at a small shop like Bitty & Beau's to learn skills and be a more active part of the community? Could I make it a place where people can find inspiration and wisdom through books, music, art, relationship, community, and learning new things? Could I create a space where kids can come and study or tutor outside of the classroom or their home? Could it feel like you are home? Have family dinner? Game night. Movies. Birthday parties. Worship. Could  I create an opportunity for someone to learn a new skill, how to cook, speak Spanish, dance, play an instrument, work a register, rock the ACT, or experience how wonderful Jane Austin's art is, or the Andy Griffith show? 

Is it possible? Can I do it? Is it crazy, unrealistic, or irrational? 

I just know that I want to create a space, in my home and in my community, that is special, and I don't want to keep it to myself. I want others to experience it. In a small way or big way. My family, my friends, my community. I am not quite sure what it is going to look like yet, but I can't wait to be a part of it. 

Spotlight TEDx Talk: Why separating kids with disabilities from their peers hurts instead of helps. (2015, May 28). Retrieved May 12, 2017, from

It's More Than A Cup Of Coffee. (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2017, from

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