Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Blog Challenge #8: Grace

This morning did not go as planned. As I was about to head out the door to class, I realized my keys and wallet were not on their normal hook. I went back inside to look around, and I was struck with the realization that my keys were in my husband's car! In Southaven, Mississippi. Short story shorter, I was stuck with no way to get to school. Thankfully, a friend came form Oakland to get me, and took me to class. However, before she got to my apartment, I had time to go through a devotion and quiet time. I had been putting it off day after day, and I felt that whatever I was about to read and experience was incredibly needed. If I wasn't going to slow down for it, God had me stuck where He made sure that I did. My attention was heightened. The heading of the devotion was "I must always remember the grace I am daily given and extend that grace to the people in my life." I am so often in need of grace, forgiveness, understanding, and mercy. I fall short time after time. As much as I am in need of grace, forgiveness, understanding, and mercy, I must give that back to others. The closing verse of the scripture I read was: 

"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." -Ephesians 4:32 

I needed this reminder for many reasons. It made me thankful to be a part of a profession that is rooted in grace and understanding, in empathy, kindness, and compassion. As an occupational therapist, I am called to a standard of service and relationship. Being kind matters. Being understanding matters. Seeing beyond the issue, looking deeper, it matters. 
When I finally made it to class, we were discussing the therapeutic use of self. How to build relationship. How to listen, speak, and care for those we serve. 

I hope to grow everyday into a more empathetic, compassionate, and grace-giving student, practitioner, and woman. 

Today, I was thankful, even through the crazy and with everything that went wrong, I was thankful to be a part of this program, this profession, and this life long journey. I am indebted to grace, and it is only fair that I pass that along, never withholding that kindness from others. That is my job. That is why I love OT. 

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