Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Blog Challenge #2: Dear SOAP Note, Love OT

Dear SOAP Note,

Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan.

Document, Document, Document, Document.

There are other forms, as well, such as Narrative, Progress, and Evaluation Notes.

And if you are working in the school setting you will probably use an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

Documentation can seem daunting, never-ending, and repetitive. However, it is important, purposeful, and it tells a unique story of who you are as an OT and how you and your client have grown together throughout your shared journey.

I hope to tell the story of each client well, and fill it with goals, experiences, and all the hope of a life of meaning and purpose. I hope that it tells a story of relationship, service, and growth.

As a society, we have become incredible documenters of our life with a lot of help from social media and technology. We have daily messages, tweets, snapchat stories, photo uploads, and recaps from special memories. We are each telling a story of our life and keeping pieces to remember it all by.

I want to do that for each of my client's and do it well, as I live and serve.



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