Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Fieldwork Debrief


  1. I'm so glad you had such a great and eye-opening experience! I was in an acute care setting for my second level I and it is truly amazing to see the progress clients make while you're there and that the whole team of doctors, nurses, and therapists come together in order to provide the best treatment for clients. It's great that you got practice writing SOAP notes and that your fieldwork educator was willing to go over them with you to help you improve! I hope you have a great summer break!

  2. Rachel,
    I am so glad to hear you had such an awesome experience at the burn unit! It sounds like not only did you learn a lot but you were out of your comfort zone which challenged you and helped you to grow even more. I love that you FwE had you write a SOAP note every night and then provided feedback for you to correct and learn from. What a great learning opportunity! I can empathize on your feeling of needing to improve your observation skills. It's incredible to me all the aspects of a skill, occupation or factor that my FwE's have been able to observe, work on or document about. As our professors tell us in school, this is something that we will continue to develop over time. I think if we are aware we need to work on these skills we will be even more tuned in to polishing and improving our clinical observations. Thanks for sharing about your experience and I hope you have a great break.
