Monday, June 12, 2017

NeuroNote #5: Wear A Helmet!!

Kim Gorgens TedxTalk, Protecting the brain against concussion, was spirited, informative, and left me with further curiosity, and thankfully, resources, to find more information on the topic. 
My house, other than my Dad, was an all girl house. So, other than the occasional bicycling and four-wheelers, we didn't have a lot of concussion risk as far as playing goes. We weren't in rough contact sports like football (thank goodness). I always appreciated the guys out there playing because football season is so much fun, but I am so thankful I never had to be a part of the constant tackling and banging and "bell-ringing". 
Although a concussion can occur in a number of ways, I have been really interested in how they can occur through sports, the long-term effects, and what can be done to fully protect players. One day, I might have a little boy who wants to play football, and I want to be sure that I am caught up on my research and the best protective gear! Our minds are a priceless treasure, and we only get one. So, we must be vigilant in protecting them. 
Dr. Gorgens emphasized the importance of wearing a helmet....many times. She also emphasized: study up, speak up, and suit up. She gave resources in order to study up on new information and research. She encouraged the audience to speak up to legislators and coaches about restrictions, protection, and funding. Lastly, she demanded that we suit up our kids. She used her son as an example several times. Dr. Gorgens knows how drastically a person's life can be changed due to a head injury, and how protection can make such a difference. She also knows that our brains are resilient and strong, however, they are not invincible. 
Unfortunately, there are still questions without answers, and much research to be done. However, if we can put all of our brains together, we will continue to learn and adapt to new knowledge, and protect our beautiful brains. 

Gorgens, Kim. (2010). Protecting the brain against concussion. Retrieved from:

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