Wednesday, May 24, 2017

NeuroNote #4: Making The Strange Familiar

Siddharthan Chandran's Ted Talk, Can the damaged brain repair itself?, was incredibly insightful, hopeful, and empowering. I was in awe of his ability to take such complex, controversial, and complicated ideas, break them down, and make them simple and easy to understand. He reminded me of Professor Lancaster by making the strange familiar. He explained the brain, current research, medical advancement, hope in stem cell research, controversial cloning, the drug creation process, a personal client case story, and how to simplify it all to encourage understanding, hope, and progress....all in 15 minutes. Even though just about everything that he talked about was over my head, daunting, and unknown to me, I felt that I was able to follow his thoughts to understand the possibility of brain repair and finding cures to devastating neurological conditions. I think it is incredibly fascinating that our body, including our brain, can repair itself. It was created to heal itself. In the brain, as Dr. Chandran mentioned, it just doesn't repair and heal itself fast enough. If we can find ways to speed the process, then there could be incredible possibility for major brain damage repair across many diseases and conditions. I am so thankful for our incredible bodies, our absolutely wondrous brains, and for people like Dr. Chandran, who have the gift and belief in hope that motivates him to tackle complex conundrums, and find ways to make life changing differences through medicine, research, and education.

Chandran, Siddharthan. (2013, July). Can the damaged brain repair itself. [Video file]. Retrieved from

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